
Home Remodeling Crash Course: What I Learned the Hard Way

The Ultimate Guide to Deck Installation: Tips and Tricks for Success

Deck installation can be a rewarding DIY project that adds value and functionality to your home. Whether you're looking to create an outdoor oasis for entertaining guests or simply want a peaceful retreat for relaxation, a well-built deck can transform your backyard. Here are tips and tricks for successful deck installation so you can enjoy your new outdoor space for years to come. Choose the Right Materials When it comes to deck installation, choosing the right materials is key to ensuring durability and longevity. Read More 

Choosing the Perfect Shower Configuration for Your Bathroom Remodel

Are you planning a bathroom remodel and feeling overwhelmed by all the choices you have to make? One of the most important decisions you'll need to make is choosing the right shower configuration for your space. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. This post will break down some of the most popular shower configurations and help you decide which one is best for your needs. Read More 

Signs It’s Time to Remodel Your Home

As homeowners, you reach a point where you start to consider remodeling your home. Whether it's due to outdated fixtures, wear and tear, or simply wanting a fresh look, there are clear signs that indicate when it's time for a remodel. Outdated Design One of the most obvious signs that it's time to remodel your home is if your current design feels outdated. Trends in interior design are constantly evolving, and what was stylish a decade ago may now feel tired and old-fashioned. Read More 

Keeping Your Home Safe and Dry with a Sump Pump

As a homeowner, the last thing you want to deal with is a flooded basement or water damage from heavy rainfall. One of the best ways to prevent such disasters is by having a reliable plumber install and maintain a sump pump in your home. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of having a sump pump, how it works, and why it's essential to have a plumber handle the installation and maintenance. Read More 

A Guide to Bath Remodeling: Benefits, Tips, and More

A bathroom renovation is one of the most popular home improvement projects, and for good reason. Bath remodeling is an investment that has numerous benefits, both aesthetically and functionally. From updated hardware to complete overhauls, there are numerous ways in which you can transform a bathroom. This guide will explore the benefits of bath remodeling, offer tips and tricks, and provide a guide to make the most of your bathroom renovation budget. Read More 

About Me

Home Remodeling Crash Course: What I Learned The Hard Way

One of the most challenging times for me as a homeowner was when my family was growing but my house was not. We were quickly running out of room and things felt cramped. That's when I started looking into the possibility of remodeling the house to add a couple of extra bedrooms and expand the living area. I had no idea how complex the process would be or what was involved, but I learned a lot along the way. Now that the work is done, I have created this site to help teach others what I didn't know going into the plans. I hope that the information here empowers you and makes your upcoming remodeling project easier.


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The Ultimate Guide to Deck Installation: Tips and Tricks for Success
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Deck installation can be a rewarding DIY project t

Choosing the Perfect Shower Configuration for Your Bathroom Remodel
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Signs It's Time to Remodel Your Home
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Keeping Your Home Safe and Dry with a Sump Pump
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