
Home Remodeling Crash Course: What I Learned the Hard Way

Concrete Makes A Great Home Roofing Material

There are so many different uses for concrete. It's used to make sidewalks, small parking lots, patios, and even park benches. You can find concrete fountains, concrete retaining walls, and even wells lined with concrete. One thing you may not immediately think of using concrete for is your home's roof. It's quite different from the conventional shingles, after all. But as odd as it might initially seem, concrete is a very effective residential roofing material and one that you may want to consider if you're in the market for a new roof.

Concrete roofing comes in the form of tile

Are you picturing one big slab of concrete up on your rooftop? This might be why so many people find the idea of concrete roofing odd at first. In fact, when a roof is made from concrete, it is made from individual concrete tiles, not from one big slab. These tiles look similar to the terra cotta or clay tiles you may have seen on some beachfront homes. They have a curved shape, and they lock together. Concrete tiles come in many colors and styles, so you're not locked into any one look when you choose this roofing material. You can find white, red, black, brown, and even green tiles.

Concrete tiles have many advantages

The primary advantage that concrete tiles have over asphalt shingles is increased durability. A hail storm that might wreak havoc on a shingle roof won't bother concrete. The concrete tiles are also heavy, which makes them so much more resistant to high winds. You won't wake up to tiles strewn across your yard like you would with shingles after a windy thunderstorm. Concrete roofing tiles can last up to 100 years, which is at least three times the expected lifespan of shingles.

Concrete tile is also a good insulator. It helps block the loss of heat from your home during the winter, and in the summer, it helps prevent heat from the sun from seeping into your home. You won't need to use as much attic insulation with a concrete roof, which helps save money. 

The downside to concrete tile roofing is that it can be on the pricey side, and it takes a while to install. If you have room in your budget, though, concrete tile really can't be beat. It's not so crazy to put concrete up on top of your home after all.

For more information about roofing, contact a company like Happy Home Exteriors LLC.

About Me

Home Remodeling Crash Course: What I Learned The Hard Way

One of the most challenging times for me as a homeowner was when my family was growing but my house was not. We were quickly running out of room and things felt cramped. That's when I started looking into the possibility of remodeling the house to add a couple of extra bedrooms and expand the living area. I had no idea how complex the process would be or what was involved, but I learned a lot along the way. Now that the work is done, I have created this site to help teach others what I didn't know going into the plans. I hope that the information here empowers you and makes your upcoming remodeling project easier.


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